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Chuck CantonFounderSourcepass

Chuck Canton is a seasoned and dynamic technology executive with over a decade of experience at hyper-growth companies. His efforts at organizations such as Vonage, Compass, and now Sourcepass have resulted in a remarkable $6.5 billion in enterprise value, 25 successful acquisitions, and an average return on equity of 5X for company shareholders.

Now leading Sourcepass as Founder and CEO, Chuck aims to revolutionize the IT services and cybersecurity space by providing businesses of all sizes with an elevated technology experience. Since its inception in 2020, Sourcepass has grown from its three founding members to over 600 employees in 2024. Under Chuck’s leadership, Sourcepass has successfully completed twelve acquisitions, further dominating the market. To enhance the client experience, Chuck has made significant investments in the Sourcepass Product and Development team. Through this initiative, he has launched, Quest, an industry-leading AI-enabled mobile and web-enabled application that has streamlined the consumption of technology and cyber solutions for businesses across the U.S.

Outreach and environmental conservation have been lifelong pursuits for Chuck. In February 2023, he launched the Sourcepass Community Impact Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This foundation provides assistance to charitable and non-profit organizations, particularly those driving entrepreneurship. Since its inception, the foundation has provided funding to over 50 charitable causes.

With his strong leadership, compassionate approach, and his resolute commitment to both his clients and employees, Chuck Canton continues to drive Sourcepass towards new heights of success, making technology services more accessible and affordable to businesses across the globe.
