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Pedro LedezmaVP SalesGHA Technologies, Inc.

Pedro Ledezma has been a valuable resource with GHA Technologies since 2016 and operates as a liaison for MSPs, OEMs, suppliers, vendors, software publishers, and cloud providers. GHA is an employee-owned, VAR/trusted advisor established in 1990. Ledezma has been in technology sales for over 20 years and specializes in customized servers, workstations, network, cyber-security, backup and disaster recovery. With a proven track record of sales success and over $1 million in sales each year, he has found that partnerships are key to success in the IT channel. He considers partnerships, ensuring successful planning, execution and post-sales maintenance the key pillars of securing, keeping and nurturing client relationships every year. Ledezma graduated from UT San Antonio in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in business management. 
